Monday, January 26, 2009

"Americans are not your enemy"

President Barack Obama went on the al-Arabiya television network monday to initiate an rapprochement with the arab-muslim world. Mr. Obama spoke about the isreali-palestinian conflict, George Mitchell's assignment as peace envoy, and relations between the arab world and the US.

While i applaud Mr. Obama's attempt to reach out to the muslim world, the distrust is so deep that this may turn out to be a futile exercise.

There are fundamental differences between the west and the middle east that cannot be so easily glossed over. The west is liberal, educated, affluent, and technologically advanced. The arab world is the exact opposite.

How does one treat with a civilization that stones women to death for being raped? That does not permit open worship of other religions? That makes homosexual sex a capital offense?

The arabs-muslims are the heirs to an incredibly rich and productive culture. Literature, arts, medicine, warfare, science, and math have all been indebilty touched by the arabs.Yet, this is a people that finds itself at war not just with the west, but with itself.

The United States nor the West are responsible for the sad state of their religion and region. The fault lies with their leaders over a succession of generations who permitted their culture to decline so rapidly. Decadence, a loss of innovation stifled by religious dogma, and incompetence at the top lead to their loss of power and prestige.

To find their most ardent foe they only need to look into the mirror.

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