Friday, March 5, 2010

Live like you are dying

There are times when pop songs actually have something to say. Kris Allen's "Live like We're Dying" is one of those songs. In an effort to maintain a clean look to the blog, I'll link to the lyrics instead of posting them here.http://

While I would not it on a list of all-time great list of pop songs, the message it conveys is one that I think makes the song worth listening to--unlike most pop hits in that regard.

It is telling the listener to take nothing for granted. Live life to the fullest and make sure those who you love know it.It implores us to live life with an sense of urgency for we all have a limited time on this earth. For we know not how or when we will cease to be of this earth.

Now contrast that to most top 40 songs today. They are about three things: Sex/romance, money, and living a aimless, dissolute life. There is little of substance--musically or otherwise--to these songs. They are cookie cutter musicians with cookie cutter songs.

Lady Gaga for all her catchy beats is basically an updated version of Madonna. Nothing original or profound in her songs.

Rap has become crap. No more Public Enemy railing against racism in "Fight the Power" or Tupac imploring for better treatment of black women like in "Keep Ya Head Up". All we get now are songs about bitches, drugs, fancy cars,and money.

Modern rock is a tiny pebble in comparison to the large boulders of the 1960's and 1970's. They are a bland, uninspiring, bunch who have nothing to say.Where have the Credence Clearwater Revivals' gone?

It is this singularity of "Live Like We're Dying" that makes it stand out to me. So little of popular music has something meaningful to say that when one comes upon a pop song that has a message exhibiting signs of thought that it makes a person take notice.

"Live Like We're Dying" isn't saying anything profound about the mysteries of life or the universe, but the simplicity of its message should not deter a person from imbiding the lesson it is giving you.If we all lived life as if we were dying, this world would be much better off.

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