Friday, July 23, 2010

Nowhere Man

He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his Nowhere Land
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody. ---Nowhere Man, The Beatles

Nowhere:adjective(informal);being or leading nowhere;pointless;futile:to be stuck in a nowhere job.(courtesy of

I am the Nowhere Man. I am sitting in my Nowhere Land making my Nowhere Plans for Nobody.

At 33 years of age I find myself working a menial job, living in my best friend's house , with little prospect of a better job or a girlfriend on the horizon.

Meanwhile, my kid brother is making $60,000 two years out of school. I have several friends who make twice what I do with the same level of education as I do.

How did I, a college educated man equipped with an above average IQ, get to this place? How did I get myself stuck in a deeply unsatisfying job? More importantly, how do I get out of it?

Frankly, I know how I got here. Low self confidence, laziness, and a lack of direction are the three causes of my discontent. I am the Helmsman responsible for guiding my ship into the iceberg.

The issue now is how this Nowhere Man becomes a Somewhere Man. How do I achieve my goal of working an emotionally and financially satisfying job?

One option is going back to school to acquire a Master's Degree so I can teach. I love history and a Master's degree would give me more options than just a Teaching Certificate. I could teach at the high school and community college level or even become an archivist.

A second option is to continue to develop my writing skills and/or take some skill development classes UofM so I could find a better opportunity at UofM.This would be the cheaper of the two options I have before me.

Either way, I am confident I can find a better job if I actually put effort into it and believe in myself.

The end of Nowhere Man provides an good finish to this article and more importantly, wise words to remember in time of doubt:

Nowhere Man please listen
you don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command!

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