Friday, August 20, 2010

Dancing with Mediocrity

The most contemptible behavior a man can exhibit is to accept mediocrity into his life, for mediocrity is neither a positive or a negative.It is merely neutral. It is as inconsequential as walking a step and as irrelevant as the rants of a 47 -year old man who lives with his parents.

A man who welcomes mediocrity into his life welcomes a life of perpetual unhappiness that is seemingly always landing upon the bankrupt slot in the Wheel of Fortune of life.

The most odious element of this mediocrity is where it originates--the man himself. The man--out of laziness or lack of confidence--permits the growth of this tumor until it metathesizes into full fledged mediocrity. Such a development is fatal for a man who desires a life of fulfillment for it so dulls his ambition that he becomes ensnared in a goo of mediocrity that leaves him much like a fly in amber.

Mediocrity means different things for different people. For some, it means being stuck in a loveless marriage unable or unwilling to leave because of kids or financial reasons.For others it is working a job that they find to be deeply dissatisfying from a pecuniary and professional standpoint.

It infects people of all categories. It knows not race, gender, national origin, or or physical state.It is a universal poisoner of souls.

Tragically, the author finds himself infected with this virus. It has blackened his moods, tarnished his aspect to the outside world, and left him a deeply unhappy man futility searching for love and a career on the Internet.

For this I went to college? For this I took on $20,000 in debt?How did I permit myself to get to this point? He asks himself these questions over and over,hoping in vain to find an answer that will let him disperse the black cloud of shame that hangs over him.

But it is a pointless endeavor for the blame lies with the person who inhabits his skin.That is the man responsible for the dastardly deed of dancing with mediocrity.

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