Tuesday, August 24, 2010

An object of desire who is now not so desirable

There was a time I had a taken a fancy to a lady with whom I worked with.She possessed the sweet temperament and physical characteristics that I found to be very appealing.I thought perhaps that she would be someone I could date.

Alas, she has turned out to be a frog and not a princess.

Such a conclusion was not reached because of any personal foibles on her part, but as the result of acknowledging a disconnect between her and I. We simply have no chemistry, no spark.We are incompatible.

To be frank, I have always felt that something was lacking when I was around her. Although I always found her to be attractive, there seemed to be a certain hollowness to those feelings.There was no strong ardor for her. The intense interest a man takes in the woman he pursues was absent in this instance.

I finally recognized this from a psychological standpoint yesterday when we were discussing the use of the word "sexy". She used it to describe the food she made the previous day on her Facebook page. The misuse of a word is no terrible sin, everyone does that from time to time. But what struck me was my irritation over her indifference to proper word usage. It had finally occurred to me what bothered me about her.

She is a simple girl. She is not stupid,but nor is she a thinker. She is not one to spend time brooding over subjects other than those which relate directly to her.Her life is one of attending social events, cooking, and watching movies. That is a perfectly acceptable life. I do those things as well.

But what I realized is that I need a girl who is deeper than that. I need a woman who thinks, who explores her emotions and beliefs, who has a passion and reverence for learning.

She is not the one who can provide those things.She is a girl who needs a man who works and plays much, but thinks little.She is not an intellectual nor should she ever try to be. She is fine just as she is.

No matter how pleasing she is to the eyes or how mellifluous her voice is, the cruel truth is that she and I are not meant to be a We.

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