Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A notch on the bedpost

Bedding, humping, sexin', f**king...what is it about sexual conquests? Why is it so satisfying for some people to have "conquered" sexually another? What is so gratifying about placing your penis inside the vagina of many different women? Sexual pleasure can be found as easily with one person as with a hundred.

I find such behavior curious.Not because of the sex element--that is a natural urge--but the aftermath. The crowing over achieving an orgasm with a woman others find desirable, is juvenile. You had sex, something every creature in the Animal Kingdom does. Congrats on that achievement.

My friends and I laugh at such ridiculous people. What is the point other than physical pleasure? Are these people so shallow that simply experiencing sexual ecstasy is enough to satiate their desires? What about establishing a deep and lasting emotional bond that enhances the physical part of a relationship?

I work at a hospital. At this hospital there are many attractive women, many of whom I would like to have relations with.But I have learned to control the raw carnal lust I feel through certain means because I need more than a one night stand to be satisfied. I want more than a fling, I want something that is pleasurable emotionally as well as physically.

Males in this country have gotten it in their heads that you are not a man until you have laid down with a woman. What a perfectly asinine mentality.

Simply having sex does not make you a man. What makes you a man is suffering life's defeats with the same measured response that you enjoy life's victories. What makes you a man is doing what needs to be done no matter how unpleasant you find the task.What makes you a man is giving yourself entirely to your family so they can be happy. That is a man.

Exhibiting promiscuous behavior is something adolescent boys do because they haven't the maturity yet to understand what love is. Teenage boys have not learned to manage their lust, to conquer their out-of-control sexual yearning for members of the opposite sex.That is why they are boys and not men.

In contrast, a man knows how to control his lust. He has reined in the sexual monster that resides inside him.He only unleashes that beast when he is with the woman he loves.

For this man, sex is not a moment for physical pleasure, but the manifestation of a deep emotional bond he shares with his partner. They in the act of love making become as close to melding into one as is humanly possible.

Sleeping around is the act of a emotionally stunted man who hasn't a clue how to form an abiding relationship with a woman. He may physically be a man, but emotionally he is just a boy.

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