Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's in a name?

In the play Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare tells us what he thinks of the importance of a name by having Juliet express these famous words:

What's in a name?That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell just as sweet.

Such an notion is foreign to me for my name is that which means most, not the volatile affections of a woman.A name that represents love, loyalty, and a bond that much deeper than blood.

The name Quattro means more because it was those who carried that name who loved and cared for me. It was from the Quattros where I acquired my values and talents. It was from them that I learned what it takes to be a man.

One could say that the name Quattro is a mere label, that what I cherish most about it comes from people and not the name itself. That is true to a certain extent. A name is just a label we have assigned to each other to differentiate among clans throughout the ages.One should not forget the fact that a name is symbolic and not tangible item we can touch.

But symbolism is of great importance to man. We have flags, icons, images on currency, music...symbolism is everywhere in human culture.Humans have invested a tremendous of emotion into such objects, words, or concepts for what they mean to us.It is ignorant to suggest that symbolism is of little relevance for human behavior tells us otherwise.

I love my family not because of a name, but for what they are. To that extent, I agree with Shakespeare's assertion that a name is inconsequential.

I cherish my name for it represents who I and where I came from. Quattro defines me to the outside world. It is that name I was destined to bear before I was born and it is the name that will be chiseled into my tombstone. It is a name that is as dear to my heart as a rose given from one love to another.

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