Thursday, August 26, 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow

Today I applied for a job at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Ann Arbor as a "Civilian Pay Technician".Granted, it was not much of a improvement over what I do now, but at least I would be able to wear khaki and a nice shirt. The cheap polo and over sized pants of manual labor jobs no longer cut it.Plus, it offered a chance to make significantly more than I do now.

Alas, the Fates conspired against me for within minutes of applying I was summarily rejected because I did not have "status" which meant that I did not fit a certain criteria. To meet said criteria, I had to be a veteran, a mentally disabled person, or both to be eligible to bid for the position.Basically, was I was disqualifed because I a fully functioning civilian.

Thus ends another chapter in the story of a man's pursuit of a financially and emotionally fulfilling job.A story filled so far with disappointment, frustration, and a pointed lack of initiative.

To be quite frank, my search for a better job has been intermittent. I have had periods of great activity followed by much longer periods of languor.I have spent more time bitching about my current position than actually looking for a new one.

At 33, I cannot afford such extravagant use of time.I should be identifying what kind of job I want, determine the means to the end, and do it.

If that means pursuing a Master's Degree in History, so be it. If that means taking courses to learn website design, so be it.But whatever it is, I need to make a move.

It is a fear of mine that my intellect is going to calcify from the lack of use in this place. My job is something a lemur could be trained to do. It is simple manual labor with no skills required to do the job other than being able to speak and read English. Some of my co-workers even struggle with those bare minimum requirements.

I feel like Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz", wistfully looking out at the Rainbow and wondering what is beyond the narrow confines of Kansas.

Somewhere over the Rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Now I just have to find the goddamn Rainbow.

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