Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An extraordinary resiliency

These are hard times we live in. 10 percent unemployment, two wars, a exploding national deficit, a faltering economy, oil spills, earthquakes,serial killers...this is the most troubled time since...last year.

Does the world ever really change? The earliest written sources indicate that persons who lived eons ago experienced much the same as we--a world full of tumult and at times, seemingly tilting towards chaos. Yet, this bountiful sphere's inhabitants continue on.

Through the earth shattering, dinosaur-destroying cataclysmic asteroid to the Black Death that nearly wiped out Europe to the man made holocaust we call World War II, life on this planet has managed to survive it all.

At times it has been a close run thing, but still life has preservered.Life is refuses to go silently into the night. It clings obstinately to existence.

Oh, we humans have tried to squash live. Wars, murders, environmental degradation, unrestrained hunting..we have striven to end life with the alacrity of a child in an easter egg hunt.

But inspite of our finest efforts, we have failed to eliminate that which is most precious--and resilient--life. But still Life marches on, plagued by people and things that threaten it, it resolutely refuses to surrender its physical being in this world.

How extraordinary resilient this life is.

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