Saturday, October 9, 2010

10 things that suck

After watching Michigan get bushwhacked by MSU at home, I am in a foul mood. Hence, this entry will be dedicated to 10 things that suck. The 10 will be comprised of the serious, semi-serious, and not-at-all-serious.I am doing this to put football in perspective and bring some humor to a bad day.

1. Long, lingering, terminal illnesses'. The pain of watching a loved one slowly and painfully depart this world is a pain that I would wish on few people.

2. Any type of "-cide" or act of violence towards another being.The willful taking of a life is the worst thing a person can do. Unfortunately, sometimes such a thing is necessary, but that does not alter the wickedness of the act.Beatings and rape are a close second.

3.Theft.The stealing from another is the action of a person too lazy to acquire goods in an ethical fashion. The laziness may perhaps be the worst part of it for goods can easily be bought, but an work ethic cannot.

4.Dishonesty.Lying,cheating, or minimizing certain facets of a subject while emphasizing others--are the deeds of a scoundrel. No person with an ethical foundation of honesty and justice, could accept such behavior.

5.Infidelity. Why stay married if you feel the uncontrollable urge to violate your vows?

6.Frank Rich, Seth McFarlane and the rest of the hypocritical liberal establishment.Rich deems social media bad because it is too democratic.Anything that does not come from the Left Wing noise machine is bad apparently. Meanwhile,McFarlane still insists on portraying his infantile intellect for all of America to see.

7.Rush Limbaugh and the Right Wing of this country.Is there a more out-of-touch group of people?God, Guns, and Country may send Jim Bob from Paducah into rapture, but it turns off Jane from Poughkeepsie.

8.Working a financially and emotionally unsatisfying job."The thing is Bob, its not that I am lazy, its' that I just don't care." That single quote from the comedic masterpiece Office Space represents perfectly my feelings about my current job.

9.Being single.It really sucks spending your Saturday night bitching on your blog about things that suck. Man, I need a woman.

10.Losing to f**king Mark Dantonio and Michigan State in football.While I am glad he has fully recovered from his heart attack, I still hate to see UM lose to this douche.

There you have it. Ten things that suck. It ended up being filled more with things of a serious nature than of a lighter fare. That is what happens when you write something with almost no forethought.I'll have to do better tomorrow.

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