Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Useless People

I was perusing the DrudgeReport today when I came across a story in which a professional agitator/activist working for the left wing organization, Moveon.org, went to a Rand Paul rally and attempted to agitate Paul by holding a mocking placard.(Paul is a conservative libertarian who is the son of libertarian demigod and Texas Rep. Ron Paul) All this person got was a a knock to the head and the opportunity to file an assault charge, for their stupendous effort at agitating.(Apparently, this person took literally Frederick Douglass' admonition to a young freedman to "agitate, agitate, agitate". )

The story itself--while absurd--is hardly unique in politics. A great many ridiculous beings inhabit the world of politics and have so since...well. forever. But the aforementioned story provides an excellent example of what I call "useless beings". I would say unproductive, but they are producing something--fodder for sardonic wits who just love to pillar cretins like this woman.

Now, some will strenuously argue that agitators or activists are necessary because they are the ones fighting for the rights of the poor, minorities, etc, etc. We would not have the advances that we have in civil rights, environmental policy, and many other areas if not for the agitation of activists.

This is true, but those were the golden days of activism. Now, it is a bunch of sanctimonious, arrogant, affluent, persons who agitate for issues that are far less clear than what the Freedom Riders or Suffragettes fought for.

Such people are worse than useless for not only do they not contribute much of value to society,but they increase the rancor and hostility of political dialogue in the United States.They do this by engaging in provocative acts that are meant to draw angry responses. This in turn creates a poisoned atmosphere for rational political discourse.

The only thing these are agitators success at are irritating people.

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