Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I would have

I would have loved you, pretty girl. I would have given you a shoulder to cry when you are sad and open arms to wrap you in when you are happy. But you would not have me.

I would have been the earth to your sun. My life would have revolved around you. From the time I woke to the time I fell asleep, my thoughts would have been dominated by ideas of how to please you. But you would not have me.

I would have shared my boundless passion and love with you. I was prepared to give you what I hold most precious--my heart and soul. But you would not have me.

I would have made for you a house of love. A home where you would have been protected from this cruel world. A home where you have been provided with
undying love and support. But you would not have me.

Oh, you sweet, silly, stupid girl. You know not what you have done. I would have loved you as no one has loved you. But you have rejected me for a reason only known to you. You have turned away a man who would have given you eternal devotion and love.

My pity is not for me, but for you.I will find a women who appreciates my gifts, who desires my love. You, meanwhile, will struggle to find a man who will give you what I would have given you.You will bounce from man to man, searching for something that you won't ever find because you have no idea what you are looking for.

I would have loved you....

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