Thursday, October 14, 2010

Talking sense to the senseless

It is a fool who tries to engage an idiot in an intelligent conversation.For how can one expect a person who uses their head solely to rest a hat upon, to be able to develop in said head, thought provoking ideas that lead to healthy debates?

How can one expect an intelligent exchange of ideas from a person who cannot grasp that the blaring sirens of the police and emergency vehicles always have the right of way--even during a movie shoot?

Many a hour I have spent trying to talk to the simpletons I work with. Many a hour has been expended in an futile attempt to reason with blockheads who absolutely refuse to use their cognitive faculties.

Why do I never learn? Why do I keep trying to talk sense to the insensible?Am I insane? If you believe that the definition of insanity is to try the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, than I just may be crazy.

These are not bad people--for the most part. They are hard working, honest folks, who do not spend much try exercising their brains. Thinking for them starts and ends with the most parochial of concerns.There is nothing wrong with that. It just means that their intellect is very limited when it comes to thinking through an issue or problem.

This entry makes me look like an arrogant douche and I really don't care. The lack of regard I have for my co-workers intelligence does not mean I think myself superior overall to these people. Not at all. Where I am strong, they are weak. Conversely, where I am weak they are strong. It all balances out in the end.

But gosh, their stupidity irritates me sometimes.

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