Monday, October 18, 2010

A positive state of mind

Positive thoughts fuel positive actions or so I am told. I am not positive about that belief myself. I just know a friend who is positively convinced that a positive state of mind is a positive.

Is it so? I do not know.

Should I stroll through this life with a giant smile on my face, preaching the virtue of thinking positive? Should I wear a band on my wrist that reads WWSSD?(What Would Stuart Smalley Do?)Should I set aside some time for a daily affirmation?
After pondering this question I have come to this conclusion: Yes, yes, yes! YES WE CAN---er,that may not be the best slogan to cite right now. But the truth is the same--positive thinking is the way to go. Conduct a test on the state of my mind and it will surely comeback as POSITIVE for positive thinking!

But how shall I maintain this marvelous state of mind?How shall I resist the call of the Sirens of Discontent and Cynicism?
The solution is simple.I shall think of unicorns, cotton candy, and puppy dogs. That will most assuredly keep me thinking positive thoughts. I shall also watch Miley Cyrus videos as well as the latest Sandra Bullock romantic comedy.Does that not sound swell?!
Ain't positive thinking grand? It is if you are one of those people who sell millions of books to the mediocre and unhappy. Their bank accounts benefit positively from their preaching of positive thinking.
I am positive that such people are con artists, but then that assessment is the product of a cynical mind. Booooooooooooo! Think only positive thoughts! WWSSD?!
Yes sir, I am all about positive thinking now! Positivity is my state of mind. Nothing else, but positive thoughts and actions. I shall extend to the frustration of life and the rudeness of people the same greeting--a cheerful smile! Can you not you feel the positivity flowing through the screen as you read these words?
Now it is time to go my friends. I am overdue for some positive reinforcement. But fret not, I shall be back for some more positive thinking!

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