Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday night blues

It is a cool, crisp, fall Friday evening and I have no where to go.I do not have a party to attend nor a buddy--they are either working or out on a date-- to go to a bar with. The movie I want to see started right as I left work. In short, I have nothing to do and I hate it.

All I have at my disposal is my television, a net book, and my mind. On the screen is the show "Sons of Anarchy" --a splendid show by the way--and on my mind is on the Michigan game tomorrow. No lady to call, no group of friends to meet up with, just....myself.

What a terrible waste of a fall Friday. It is bad enough that I am sitting home on a Friday, but this evening is a superb example of the splendor of a Michigan fall. To sit inside while others revel in this glorious weather is tragic.

How shall I prevent the re-occurrence of such a tragedy? Make more friends? Acquire a girlfriend? Both? Who knows where the answer lies. I just know that it cannot happen again.

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