Sunday, October 3, 2010

A brain that rests not

Zoom go the thoughts in my head, stopping for no one or thing. All things funny and serious, banal and exceptional, and ugly and beautiful, race through my skull at warp speed.Sometimes organized, most times bouncing around like lottery balls.

That brunette nurse? Oh yes, she is wife material. Educated, beautiful, and perhaps most importantly, she enjoys Michigan football. Wicked awesome! Bah! On the Whack-O-Meter, it merits a 7 out of 10. The women you like don't like you and the women you are not attracted to are interested in you. Pish!

Robert? F**king douche! Never in the course of recorded history has someone who has known so little speak so much about subjects he is in complete ignorance of. This jackwagon puts the a in azzhole.

My job blows. Why do I work here? How can I get out of it?Am I stuck here forever? God, I hope not. I must get out of here.

I hate Hollywood Liberals.A bunch of presumptuous pricks who think they know much, but who really know very little. Someone should stuff large blocks of Limburger cheese in their mouths and nostrils.

Nasal allergies are terrible. I am suffering through a case of one as I write this. I took two Benadryl tablets, but they have done nothing to stop the runny nose, water eyes, and the occasional sneeze. I really am not in a suitable state to write.

Michigan's defense sucks. Sparty is going to shred it to the tune of 550 yards and 30 plus points. Will Shoelace be able to match that?I don't know. MSU's defense can conceivably slow UM down. I do not believe that UM can slow MSU down.

I need to make more money. My bills are not bad at all, but this job just does not pay enough for me to live the life I want. Finding a better job is my number one priority right now.

Love is on my mind. I need it, I want it, I deserve it. Will I ever taste the intoxicating elixir of Eros? Will thine heart ever be filled with the contentment and passion that love brings?

It is Monday morning which means the weekend is done. Blah! I do wish I was living another life.

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