Thursday, September 30, 2010

A babbling brook

I am having a hard time coming up witha subject to write about tonight, so I will just go with it. This entry is going to be an extemporaneous emission of thoughts and ideas that come to me as I write.

At what point do girls become women? I don't mean from a scientific standpoint, but in terms of how we as men view them? 25? 30? Or do we not base it on age, but on her marital and/or motherhood status?

Speaking of women, there was this tree trunk of a woman at work whom I almost cold cocked because she yelled "Excuse me!" to me while my back was turned to her . Some "ladies" have no manners. She also reminds me of a women you'd find in rural Germany. A lady who-slaughters-the-livestock-with-her-bare-hands type. She is a real speciman, I tell you.

Gosh, my job blows. Yeah, this has become a broken record. Why do I keep bitching about this? I have to find something else to whine about. The Lions perhaps? Or maybe Michigan's horrid defense?

Why does my roommate keep posting stupid shit on my Facebook wall? It is a rare day that he posts something that is actually funny. Perhaps he can spin his movie quote wheel and randomly cite some movie he saw 20 years ago. That would be more entertaining than his feeble attempts at trying to be funny.

Why do I keep posting stupid shit on my wall? Oh, that's right, I'm a funny motherfucker.

By the way what's with the swearing Ryan? You have a good vocabulary. Why resort to obscenity?

Why am I writing/talking to myself? Loser status confirmed--or not. This is the most intelligent conversation I've had in days.

How dysfunctional is our system that my roommate---who was laid off his job-- still hasn't received his unemployment more than a month after he lost his job?Boy, we sure get a bang for our buck when it comes to government services.

Will I ever find a women to love me? It seems highly unlikely that I will. There are many women out there, but I have yet to meet the right one. I still have not found my June or Patricia.I don't know if I am meant to have a soulmate. My life seems to have developed in such a fashion that I shall never know what a deep, lasting, relationship with a woman feels like.

My Grandfather, father, and I all share a tragic and odd similiarity--we all lost our mothers at a fairly early age. My grandfather's mother passed when he was 15(he lost his dad at the age of 5), my dad lost his mother when he was 16, and my mother passed when I was 22. Such a peculiar and sad concidence.

A year ago today our beloved black blanket beagle Snoopy died.She was a terrific dog. She was sweet tempered,loyal, and just a beautiful animal to look at. Our family lost a key member of our circle a year ago. She is missed terribly.

I could go on blathering about nothing in particularly, but I think I am going to see what college football game is on. Next time I will have a topic to discuss. Hopefully. Maybe.

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