Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love knows no limits

Where does one find love? Where should one NOT seek love? These are questions that plague the minds of the unattached throughout these united states.

But these are also the wrong questions to ask for it is not WHERE you meet someone, but WHO you meet. The location is mere background for the drama that is love.

What matters is not the physical space where you and your paramour first laid eyes upon each other, but the chemistry that causes the fire of your passion to burn brightly.

Some say that having a relationship with a co-worker is a bad idea because work can create difficulties because of the close proximity of the two lovers. But if the love is meant to last then how can spending more time with your love be a bad thing?

Sure, working with someone may potentially cause issues that aggravate the lovers, but if you love someone you will find a way to minimize the stresses of working with a loved one.(More serious issues will arise if the two break up, but that is an issue of maturity.)

The bad idea here is not having a relationship with a co-worker, but placing limits on where to meet a potential mate. To do so is to needlessly restrict yourself to a small population of potential mates. One cannot emphasize enough the foolishness and quite frankly, counterproductive nature of such beliefs.

What is more is that such beliefs also ignore an essential element of love--that it knows no bounds.It is a wild, unpredictable emotion, that cannot be planned or dictated. You cannot cage it like an animal nor can you place a date on when you will find it. It just happens.

What people should be concerned about when pondering love is not where or when to meet someone, but the characteristics they desire in a partner.They should also simultaneously be engaging in self evaluation for personal growth is key to sustaining any relationship--romantic or platonic.

Love is the greatest gift one human can give to another. It is the sharing of your soul with another human being. Such a magnificent thing cannot be controlled. It occurs on its own in every conceivable environment at the most unexpected time.

Those who think they can control the unseen,uncontrollable, and irresistible force called love are the maddest of people. Love operates at a plane far beyond our ability to master it.

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