Monday, September 27, 2010

Peace in our time

What is this peace you speak of? Is it the absence of war? Or is it the absence of violence? Is it the absence of both? How do you define peace?Is it an attainable goal?

Peace is a impossible concept to resist. What rational person wants the death and destruction of war? Who wants to suffer the pain and misery of war?

But that does not alter the fact that conflict--violent in particular--is an aspect of the human condition that is as unalterable as the desire to mate. Killing, beatings, and rape occur everywhere. There is not one society that has remained untouched by these barbaric acts.

Some blame violence on capitalism, but violence has existed in socialist countries. Others blame violence on religion, but Godless nations like the former USSR were dominated by violence and the threat of it.

History proves that violence is an universal practice. It has no knowledge of boundaries of nations nor does it fear the tenets of ideology and religion.It is an unstoppable force.

Peaceniks are akin to the overweight, zit faced, teenage boy who obsesses about the prettiest girl in school. She dominates his thoughts, rules his days, but never will be his. Peace is that unattainable girl.

Peaceniks are people who love to feel morally superior. Like the evangelist of years past, these people preach a message of hope and love guided by a strong belief in their own moral rectitude. Their ideas are unrealistic and they cause conflict with their sanctimonious attitude and simplistic view of the world. Self criticism is anathema to these folks.

What is peace? To me it is the brief interlude between conflict. It is a very limited period of time between acts o0f violence. It is measured in seconds and minutes, not years.It is not something that will last long for man is too much of a slave to the devil of his nature for there to be a world of peace.

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