Monday, September 20, 2010

Cutting ties

Recently, I foolishly convinced myself to engage in a flirtation with a female co-worker even though I was not convinced that she was a suitable match.

I blame loneliness for causing this rupture in decision making on my part. This woman--of whom I have written about before in this blog--while sweet in temperament and attractive in looks, was lacking in other crucial areas.

She dated a co-worker of mine who was and is in a relationship with a woman with whom he has two children. What sort of person does this? No person with any moral scruples.

This lady lives with a man whom she has know for only a few years. This man one night broke into her room not once, but twice, to apologize for acting the fool earlier in the night. Yet, she still lives with him. What kind of person would continue to live with a person who has no respect for your personal boundaries?? No intelligent or sane person I know of.

What kind of person openly flirts with men on a regular basis, but who has repeatedly failed at long term relationships? She is a friend of many men, but the love of none. What does that say about her potential as a mate? Nothing positive I am afraid.

Therefore, I decided to cut ties with this woman tonight. No more fooling myself that I could have established a relationship with a woman who knows not what she wants. No more wasting time on a woman who knows many men, but few of quality.

I have chosen this route because I have no desire to pursue a woman who is not worthy of being pursued. Why should I expend emotional energy on a person who is found wanting in so many areas?

There are too many good women out there for me to spend another second trying to win the hand of a woman with such a questionable nature.

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