Friday, September 10, 2010

Burn, baby, burn

The controversy over the proposed burning of the Quran by Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, reveal for all the stupidity, hypocrisy, and fanaticism of men.

Why are Moslems so enraged over the burning of their holy book? At the end of the day, the destruction of said book has no bearing on them or their religion. If some Christian preacher wants to incinerate a million copies, so be it. Why become enraged at the act of a man who lives so many thousands of miles from you? Do you not realize that this person is doing this to get a rise out of you? By rioting, burning flags and bibles, and generally acting the fool, you are giving him what he wants.

All involved are men of low intelligence and maturity.

Furthermore, it is not as if Moslems have not similarly disrespected other religions. The Taliban's infamous destruction of Hindu sculptures in Afghanistan is one such example. Why is it okay to disrespect Hindu's symbols, but not the Quran???

While I think Rev. Jones act a silly and needlessly provocative act, I find myself having a hard time generating much sympathy for a religion that has basically declared war on the world. Islam is not worse then Christianity when it comes to intolerance or violence, but then Christianity is not currently at war with the United States, Russia, China, India,England, Spain, and as well as a Islamic civil war. Islam is a religion in tumult.

I am a fervent defender of religious tolerance, but I have little tolerance for people who go crazy at some offending act while themselves committing acts that offend others.

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