Thursday, September 2, 2010

Finding fulfillment in this world

There are people in this world who from an early age, know what they want out of life. They will accomplish the goals they have set for themselves because their temperament demands nothing less than total satisfaction of their desires. Be it a career in law or in athletics, these people will not stop until they have achieved their end.

But for most people, the road to personal fulfillment is far less certain. Many only have the ambition to survive their circumstances, while for others their mission in life is to determine what bar they will patronize that night.

Then you have people like myself. People who have the intelligence and passion to achieve something notable, but have failed to accomplish anything near what they are of capable of because of lack of confidence, opportunity, and focus.

These are what I call "non-achievers". People who cannot be said to underachieve for that infers that they actually TRIED to do something. Rather, these people excel at living in a state of stasis, where they are neither moving forward nor backward. They are just existing.

People who reside in this category experience the worst of both of the aforementioned worlds. They have the hopes and dreams of the achievers, but the aimless direction of those who live a life with no guiding aspirations. They know they are meant to be more than what they are, but they are not sure what exactly that "more" is.

Until recently, I was one of those wandering souls. I was lost, but now I am found.I have finally recognized what I am meant to be.

I am a writer. I still am a non-achiever for that will not change until I have attained a position where my talents will be used. But I have finally crossed an important psychological Rubicon. I have passed from a man uncertain of his ability to a man who fervently believes in his skill as a writer.

Now I must take that next step. I must now use my talent to find an emotionally and financially rewarding job. It is going to be a long, hard journey, but I know--I MUST---make it.

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