Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who are the real beasts?

Oh, how wickedly ridiculous creatures we humans are. We tell ourselves that we are different--superior--from wild beasts yet we kill with an impunity that no phylum of organisms can surpass.

When animals kill or engage in acts of violence, it is for sustenance, self-defense, or a part of a ritual that guarantees their place within the community. There is a logical end behind these savage fight to-the-death contests.

That is not always so with humans. We rape, assault, and kill each other for no reason at all. We invent ways to kill more of us in more efficient ways. The partner to progress in science has bee the progress in methods to slaughter human beings on a mass scale. From the flint tipped spears of pre-history to the table sized nuclear weapons of modern times, the effectiveness of weaponry have evolved to become so powerful that they now threaten to eliminate life from this rock we call earth.

How can it be that the creatures with the most advanced intellect routinely defy said intellect to
commit atrocities that would send tremors of terror into the most ferocious of beasts?

20,000 British soldiers killed on one day at the Somme in World War I, 45,000 Romans butchered by Hannibal at Cannae, 1,000,000 Armenians killed by the Turks, 12 million Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and other "untermenschen" murdered by the Nazis',800,000 Rwandans murdered by fellow Rwandans in 100 days...these are just a small sample of the sickeningly long list 0f human depravity on a mass scale. This does not account for the innumerable individual atrocities committed on a daily basis throughout the world.

The only thing I can glean out of this is that intellect is overrated.

We have created magnificent structures to marvel, cured many a disease, sent people to space, flown at supersonic speeds, increased our food supply many times over, and have tamed the physically stronger beasts. All that due to our superior intellect.

Yet, we have this dark side that the lowly animals of the wild do not have. They do not rape or kill. They do not invent reasons to murder large numbers of other animals. They do not crash planes into buildings because they believe in some myth that tells them that they will
go to heaven if they do so.The simplicity of their mind forbids such notions. All they know is eat, procreate, and defecate.

Humans meanwhile, have to invent rules and a otherworldly punishment to keep people in line--though even these often fail. No amount of threats or deterrents can cure man of his wanton disregard for life.

The truth is that we are a brutal, violent, race. We kill not just for need, but for pleasure. That fact makes us far more savage and bestial than all the subjects of the Animal Kingdom.

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