Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A world without women

I typed in the statement "a world without men" on google and got 132,000,000 hits. Obviously, many a women has pondered a world without men. Feminists in particular, seem to be enthralled with the possibility of science eliminating men altogether. (Ah, what the fervid minds of bigots will cook up!)

I thought to myself "why not approach this statement from a male's perspective? " Afterall, my own experience has given me whatI'd like to think is some special insight into a world without women.

The first obvious difference would be the lack of child birth and how men would procreate. We would have to be borne of something other than a womb. An egg perhaps? But then where does the egg come from? Men would have to become asexual or science would have to develop an artificial womb for fetuses' to come to term in.

The second difference is closely related to the first--no sex. 3 billion heterosexual men gasped in horror at the mere thought of a vaginaless world. Where would the male's sex drive find its fulfillment? What orifice would titillate the penis? Again, science would have to provide the answers.

Virtual reality--a concept first made popular in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World(1932)---is something that could address the physical element of sex. The sensation one feels in the act of sex could be simulated through the placement of sensors upon the parts of the body most commonly used in sex and the user would be wearing a mask that provides a vision of their "partner". Huxley called these movies "Feelies".

But what of the emotional aspect of the male-female relationship? What would replace that? This is clearly the most difficult issue to overcome for science would struggle mightily to replace the intense bond between mother and child, wife and husband, brother and sister.

But even this can be eliminated.

I know this because I have never had a deep bond with any woman. My mother was more of a incubator than a parent to me. She was hardly in my life and no woman has come close to filling that void.The only woman to be consistently in my life is my step-mom, but our relationship, while friendly, is hardly that of a mother and son.I have never had a romantic relationship with a woman.Basically, women have been a nonfactor in my life.

Thus, I use my own personal experience as a basis for how men would deal with the lack of women for bonding.The elimination of the desire for a bond with a women would take a period of time, but as boys were raised without a female presence, the desire for such bonds would either be nonexistent due to ignorance of women or would fade into oblivion as replacements were found for men to become emotionally attached to.

A world without women would be harsher, less sexual, and quite frankly, boring. Women provide a balance to men. They are the yin to the man's yang.They are two separate beings who are inseparable. Neither can exist without the other. The talk of a world without either is idle and the fruit of a bitter mind.

I can say this for I have lived in a world without women since I was a toddler. It has been a dull, angry, and a deeply unsatisfying world. Though I do not need a woman for the air to fill my lungs, I do need one so I may live.

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