Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? A person to hand you a job and a girlfriend? The world does not much care for you and your trifling concerns. The mass of humanity is focused solely on their own problems, their own personal issues. Who are you but just one of 6 billion souls breathing air?

Unhappy with your job? Put in a transfer to another part of the company. What's that you say? You hate manual labor jobs? Well, then either go back to school to increase your skills or actually use your degree and write. You only spent $20,000 for the degree!

What? You have concerns about your grammar and mechanics? There is this thing we call practice. It involves doing something in a repetitious manner until one has mastered it. A good writer becomes one by spending many a hour writing. Focus on doing that. You do enjoy writing immensely.

What is with the long face? No girlfriend? It's call being sociable. You must stop being the brooding man in the corner and start being more outgoing. You certainly have the wit and intelligence to fare well in conversations. Ladies like a man who can talk about a wide variety of subjects and who can crack a good joke. But remember to be yourself. No lady is worth the cost of losing yourself to gain her favor.

Quit feeling sorry for yourself. I'll spare no pity for a 33-year-old man in good health with a stable job that has good benefits.There are far too many other less fortunate people in this world for me to expend one second lamenting your self-inflicted problems--- that by the way--are of a trivial nature.

Buck up, man. So you hate your job. So no lady warms your body and soul. So what? You have so much while so many have so little. You have great friends and family. You have a job--something your roommate has not. You have a nice car and an Iphone4. (Yes, these are material things, but things that nonetheless enrich your life.)But most importantly, you have your health. Without that, the richest, most handsome of men, is a pauper.

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