Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Moby Bitch

Thar she blows! The Great Black Whale surfaces to expel the hot air contained within her enormous, blubber-encrusted, malodorous, body. All who witness the leviathan's explosive ejection from her habitat, shudder in expectant terror--for this is no normal whale.

This cetacean resides not in the deep blue seas of the world, but in the dungeon of a hospital where she reluctantly--for cetaceans such as she disdain movement--lumbers to and fro belching commands to the smaller fish.

Effusive in talk,obnoxious in manner, this behemoth treads heavily upon the rights of man. Rules, laws...what are these, but mere annoyances to Moby Bitch?

Of what concern is an employee to her? A knee injury hardly merits filling out the the incident report, says she.

Call off? No pay--unless you are a favorite of hers. Then it is to be tolerated.

Has the work been completed? Who knows? Moby is much too busy consuming her fifth meal of the afternoon.

"I have a right to bully my employees for I am the Queen of these miserable helots." says Moby Bitch."If they dare challenge my power I shall send them to back to their wretched abodes."

A Queen in her mind, but a vulgar commoner in reality, this loathsome beast demands tribute, but receives derision. Who can honor a dishonorable person?

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