Sunday, September 5, 2010

Country before ideology

I was just reading a letter on that claimed that Michigan gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero, had created more jobs as Mayor of Lansing than his rival for the governorship, venture capitalist Rick Synder did. The letter cited 3100 jobs created the result of construction and clean up funds distributed to Lansing by the Federal government.

What the author of the letter fails to grasp is that such jobs are temporary in nature for clean up and construction jobs have a beginning and an end. Those jobs will be like the leaves on a tree--around for a period, then gone as the seasons cycle.

The Democrats talk of sustainable energy, but what use is that to people who lack jobs?They need to develop a sustainable job creation strategy that puts people to work NOW, not later.

What they need are more business friendly ideas because ultimately, it is business who puts Americans to work. Instead of the mindless corporation bashing we so often see from the Left, it would be nice of the Left to attempt an rapprochement with their ideological adversaries.It also be far more productive than making inflammatory documentaries that condemn those who give Americans jobs. It really serves no benefit to Americans for the Left to continue to revile the people who generate the capital and jobs that permit Americans to live and work in the lifestyle they have grown accustomed to.

The best way to prove your concern for Americans is to compromise. People who refuse to compromise in politics are people more concerned with matters of ego than the people they were elected to serve.This goes for both the capitalists and the socialists in this nation.

A nation cannot be governed by adherents of the myth-driven Socialists or the amoral, money-worshipping, entities we call corporations. Both are necessary--the socialists as a check against corporate avarice and corporations as engines of the economy that has created the affluence that this country enjoys.

But neither should have more influence beyond their own narrow areas of expertise. Both have exhibited an amazing ability to pervert values, to divide communities, and a willingness to forcibly impress their views on the unwilling if give the power to do so.

Liars, thieves, intellectually dishonest...capitals and socialists are some of the
most debased inhabitants of these United States of America.Like religion, these groups are so convinced of their own moral and intellectual superiority that they have long lost the ability to be self-critical.Such people are not fit to rule a nation.

This country needs policies that protect workers, but help businesses grow. To get to the point of a society balanced on protection of labor and healthy growth of business we will need for both capital and labor to compromise. Sacrifices will have to be made.

The current crop of ideas have thus far proven to be ineffective or as the example I cited earlier shows, a temporary fix. That does not solve our problem of unemployment and slow-to-nonexistent growth. We need ideas that infuse our moribund economy with a vitality unseen since the 1990's.

Who is to do that remains a mystery. But it is not a mystery that such an occurrence can only happen in a state governed by reason and compromise than fervent adherence to political dogma.

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